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Jet reaching a free surface

  • Jet reaching a free surface

Horizontal jet developing and reaching a free surface: view from above using shadowgraph technique (Jet depth is z/d=6 below the free surface, flow from left to right).

© Frederic Murzyn, ESTACA, DEDI, Parc Universitaire de Laval Changé Rue Georges Charpak BP 76121 53061 Laval Cedex 9, France

IAHR Media Library

This web site was launched by Prof. Michele Mossa of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) with the initial support of Fondazione Caripuglia, Bari, Italy for the Research Project LIC-MON of 2003 and of the Project IMCA (Integrated Monitoring of Coastal Areas) financed by MIUR PON D.M. 593/00. Later, the initiative was supported with other Prof. Michele Mossa’s funds, most recently provided by the RITMARE Project.

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